If my apartment building were a soccer game, my neighbors would have a big fat red card by now. After moving into their 400 square foot studio, they bought a dog and two cats and consequently spend their time at home yelling at their pets for making messes. When they're not yelling at the animals, they're yelling at eachother. We're sick of hearing them fight... or even worse, reconciling. And then there's their love of hardcore industrial techno that they wish to share with everyone in the Paris region.
As for us, we're off to London for the weekend where I hope to do such British things as have a curry and take my A-levels and meet friends for a cuppa. Oh- and pepper my conversations with "that's brill!"
In the meantime, we're thinking of pushing our speakers against the wall we share with said neighbors and putting a cd on repeat all weekend while we're gone. Possibilities are:
Linda Ronstadt's Canciones de Mi Padre- Mariachi till your ears bleed!
Vive La Fête's Attaque Surprise- This punk electro album is great and has a song where the leadsinger belts out several blood curdling screams.
Bob Dylan's Rainy Day Women- Ok, not an album, just the one song. I think it could drive one crazy after two days straight, don't you?
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