samedi, mars 3
posted by Gina at 09:45

Paris has been under the spell of fashion week these last few days. You still get a healthy dose of fashion here even if you aren't in the club that received invitations to the shows at Tuileries and la Sorbonne. Walking past Printemps the other day, I got a interesting take on it. I'm all for originality but what is with the windows of their mens department?

Take this look for example: A man's suit softened by flowy blouses. It's a man dressed like a woman who's dressed like a man. Cross-cross dressing, if you will.

Or this one, for the man who sips apple juice out of a little box and has his lady cut his meat for him.

Then there's this guy. Yes, it's just a vest he's got on. And yes, if it was in gold, it would just be a stolen costume from a production of Chorus Line.

I can appreciate the challenge of creating new menswear with the limitations of wearability. There's only so many things you can get men to wear, right? And you've still got to do what the others aren't doing. But has it really come to the point where we need this?