I will point out here that this was actually my 3rd French Thanksgiving. The first one was shared with my visiting sister, 2 Americans, a Saint Lucian and an Australian. My sister and I bought the turkey (from a butcher who told us "Bon Thanksgiving" ), American friend #1 made the mashed potatoes, American friend #2 did the stuffing and the others watched curiously.
Last year, I presented the holiday to my in-laws. My (then future) mother-in-law made the turkey while I ran out to the Thanksgiving store and made everything else. (Thank God my mom keeps her recipe books not far from her internet access.) The yams were surprisingly easy to make and everyone loved the cornbread.
Cut to November 23, 2006. My husband and I were debating whether to make pizza or go out for sushi when my mom calls to say those fateful words: "Happy Thanksgiving!"
Phone in hand, I turned toward our tv to see the French news was showing a clip of President Bush handling a huge turkey.
It was all crashing down on me. I got off the phone and declared that we had to act quickly or else we would be sacrificing my cultural right to a night of gluttony. It was too late to go all the way to the aforementioned Thanksgiving store and their adjoining restaurant was booked til the next week. So we ran to the local market, hustled up some last minute guests and thus organized Thanksgiving Dinner 2006 at our apartment.
A chicken from the rotisserie down the street served as our turkey. The yams, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie were a lost cause. What could we do but console ourselves by replacing them with something wonderful that no one at home was getting to eat that day?